Northwest Allergy and Inmulologic Clinic
Since 1970
"34 years of experience speak for us "
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Allergy is a very common disease throughout the world and every year the amount of incidence are increasing. In our environment, due to the different weathers in the northwest part of our country, we have several agents that cause allergies, from funguses, pollen, inhalable substances (animal hair), food, dust acaruses, etc.

Allergy is a disease that affects people of every age and it can arouse in different parts of our body, for example in the nose, where it causes Allergic rinite with sneezes, nasal obstruction, runny nose and itching; in the lungs with Asthma that causes cough, chest whistle, recurrent infections in kids; in the skin with itching injuries; etc. Now-a-days there are many ways of controlling those symptoms that can be very annoying (RINITIS) or in some cases even put in danger the patient’s life (Asthmatic Crisis, ANAFILAXIA).

Now-a- days the Hypersensitive therapy or Immunotherapy is the most effective method to control and in some cases cure those symptoms. It has been proved that it reduces the risks of a serious crisis in Asthmatic patients. Immunotherapy exists basically in two administration forms: to oral and injections.

Unlike of what is thought, in the long run Immunotherapy is the cheapest method , because in the majority of the cases it reduces the consumption of medicines, and it continues being very safe and practically with very few side effects.

If you suspect that you or a relative may have those symptoms, contact us, we’ll gladly attend you.



Clínica de Alergia e Inmunología del Noroeste
Juárez y Luis Donaldo Colosio #23, Colonia Centro. Hermosillo, SON. México. C.P. 83000
Teléfono 2172116 - Fax 2121890
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